

Headaches are common and there are numerous causes that can be behind them. Stress, lack of sleep, muscle tension, infections, but also a lack of certain nutrients can make the head tense, throbbing or pulsating. Painkillers are not a permanent solution - so it is better to find the reasons behind constant headaches. On this page, we recommend tests that you can use to track down your headaches and migraine attacks. Click below to see which other symptoms and characteristics apply to you and receive recommendations tailored to them.

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frequently stressed vegan / vegetarian eat a lot of fish Sleep problems complaints after eating / drinking alcohol Hypertension completely tired acne / blemished skin Frequent migraine attacks

Suitable for Headache: Your choice:

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Packaging of the Cortisol Test from Cerascreen

Cortisol Test (stress hormone)

If the daily course of the stress hormone cortisol deviates significantly, this can make fatigue, sleep disorders and obesity more likely.
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Packaging of the Cortisol Test from Cerascreen

The cerascreen® Cortisol Test is a test kit that is helps you find out your cortisol levels. Using this test kit, you can have the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol in your saliva determined. The laboratory analysis will detect deviations in the samples you are taking during the day, and provides you with an indication of chronic stress as well as burnout syndrome and allows you to take active countermeasures.

Do you feel increasingly stressed? Chronic stress not only makes you feel restless and unwell and less able to perform. It also means that your cortisol levels remain high for a long period of time, leading to higher blood sugar levels and increasing your risk of developing both physical and mental illnesses.

Packaging of the Ferritin Test from Cerascreen

Ferritin Test

Iron deficiency can lead to constant fatigue and sleep problems. With our test, you measure ferritin, the storage iron in the blood.
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Packaging of the Ferritin Test from Cerascreen
Iron deficiency is most commonly caused by a low-iron diet. Women need more iron due to monthly menstruation. In men and postmenopausal women, iron deficiency may also be caused by internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
Packaging of the Heavy Metal Test from Cerascreen

Heavy Metal Test

Permanent exposure to heavy metals can lead to complaints such as constant headaches and premature hair loss.
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Packaging of the Heavy Metal Test from Cerascreen

With the cerascreen® Heavy Metal Test, you can determine the concentration of various heavy metals in your urine such as aluminium, arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, mercury and zinc. By doing this, you can check whether you are at risk of heavy metal poisoning – and you can also identify and avoid specific sources of pollutants in your everyday life.

Heavy metals can accumulate in the body over time and in the long term lead to damage in your organs, nervous system and blood formation, for instance. Drinking water from old pipes and contaminated food or household objects – for example – can cause heavy metal poisoning.

Packaging of the Histamine Intolerance Test from Cerascreen

Histamine Intolerance Test

Foods such as red wine, salami and mature cheese have a lot of histamine. Intolerance can lead to gastrointestinal complaints and skin problems, among other things.
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Packaging of the Histamine Intolerance Test from Cerascreen

Did you know that headaches, nausea, irregular heart rate, abdominal pain, gas and skin rashes as well as itching may all be signs of histamine intolerance?

Histamine Intolerance is intolerance of histamine consumed through food. It is caused by a deficiency in the histamine-degrading enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) or by an imbalance of histamine and DAO. As far as experts are concerned, it is not normally caused by genetic factors; it is often known to be associated with another health condition.

With the cerascreen® Histamine Intolerance Test, you can determine the concentration of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO), which breaks down histamine in your intestine, in your blood with a blood sample. A low value of DAO can confirm histamine intolerance. You will receive a results report with information and recommendations on how to follow a low-histamine diet and boost your intestinal health.

Packaging of the Homocysteine Test from Cerascreen

Homocysteine Test

The homocysteine level can give an indication of the risk of high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and macular degeneration.
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Packaging of the Homocysteine Test from Cerascreen

Prevent high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. If there is too much of the amino acid homocysteine in the body, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, among other things. A lack of B vitamins is often behind the high homocysteine level, but it can sometimes also be existing diseases. If you know your homocysteine level, you can better assess these risks and take targeted countermeasures.

The cerascreen® homocysteine test is a home sampling and send-in kit. The homocysteine level in your blood is examined in the laboratory.

Packaging of the Mineral Test from Cerascreen

Mineral Test

An adequate supply of minerals such as magnesium can help prevent fatigue, sleep disorders and skin problems.
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Packaging of the Mineral Test from Cerascreen

Magnesium, selenium and zinc are minerals vital for your physical and mental fitness. A deficiency can have serious consequences – such as a weakened immune system. The cerascreen® Mineral Test helps you find out quickly and easily whether your body lacks these minerals.

The cerascreen® Mineral Test is a sample-taking mail-in kit that determines the levels of magnesium, zinc and selenium in your blood. Take the sample conveniently and easily at home! The sample of human capillary blood will then be analysed in vitro in one of our certified medical partner laboratories. Receive your mineral levels test results within seven to nine business days after your sample has arrived in the laboratory.

Packaging of the Vitamin B12 Blood Test from Cerascreen

Vitamin B12 Test

Vitamin B12 deficiency often causes sleep disorders and constant fatigue in the long term. The blood test is used to check your level of active vitamin B12.
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Packaging of the Vitamin B12 Blood Test from Cerascreen

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin. This means that the body cannot produce it or cannot produce it to a sufficient degree by itself. Tiredness, exhaustion, headaches, difficulty concentrating, digestive problems and depression can all be signs of a low vitamin B12 level. People with high stress levels, vegans, vegetarians, pregnant women and elderly people all have an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is involved in cellular energy production and can thus support physical performance.

  • Simple and convenient sample collection at home
  • Professional analysis in a certified medical laboratory
  • Save time: no doctor’s visit, no waiting time
  • Receive recommendations that can be implemented easily

The cerascreen® Vitamin B12 Blood Test is a sample-taking kit you can take at home. The test is used to determine the concentration of vitamin B12 and to monitor the holotranscobalamin vitamin B12. The Vitamin B12 Blood Test includes a free return envelope, a sample analysis in our specialised diagnostics laboratory as well as a detailed results report. Receive your results within three to four business days after the sample has arrived in the laboratory.

Packaging of the Vitamin D Test from Cerascreen

Vitamin D Test

Too little vitamin D can be related to constant fatigue, sleep disorders, and skin problems. You use the test to measure your vitamin D3 blood levels.
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Packaging of the Vitamin D Test from Cerascreen

Worldwide, an estimated one billion people have inadequate levels of vitamin D in their blood, and deficiencies can be found in all ethnicities and age groups’ (Harvard School of Public Health, 2012). It is important to know your vitamin D level and supplement according to your individual needs.

Strong bones and muscles, mental fitness, prevention of osteoporosis and better athletic performance are just a few of the benefits that are linked to healthy vitamin D levels in countless scientific studies. Young adults, elderly people and women all especially need to keep their vitamin D level in mind because they are at a higher risk.

Unfortunately, a vitamin D deficiency can not be ‘tasted’ or ‘felt’. Therefore, it is important to test for a vitamin d deficiency regularly.

With the cerascreen® Vitamin D Test, a diagnostic send-in test that you can use at home, you can determine your blood concentration of vitamin D and to monitor the level of 25-OH vitamin D in your blood. The Vitamin D Test includes a free return envelope and analysis in our diagnostics laboratory as well as a detailed results report.

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