

It is normal for hair to become thinner with age, especially in men. But many people suffer from hair loss, which is much earlier and more severe. This can then also be a great psychological burden for those affected. Sometimes hair loss is also an indication of a disease, for example an underactive thyroid. Stress, a lack of nutrients such as zinc and iron, and fluctuations in hormones such as testosterone and estrogen can also contribute to hair loss. On this page, we recommend tests that you can use to track down your hair loss. Click below to see which other symptoms and characteristics apply to you and receive recommendations tailored to them.

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acne / blemished skin completely tired menstrual problems or menopause dry / rough skin pale skin vegan / vegetarian frequent gastrointestinal complaints eat a lot of fish Sleep problems do not eat fish

Suitable for Hairloss: Your choice:

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Packaging of the Estrogen and Progesterone Test from Cerascreen

Estrogen and Progesterone Test

If the level of female sex hormones is out of balance, this can lead to skin problems and constant fatigue in some cases.
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Packaging of the Estrogen and Progesterone Test from Cerascreen

With the cerascreen® Free Estrogen + Progesterone Test you determine the concentration of two sex hormones in your saliva: that of the estrogen estradiol in its free, active form and that of the progestogen progesterone. This gives you an indication of a possible estrogen deficiency or estrogen dominance, among other things.

A lack of estrogen can manifest itself in women through menstrual disorders and intermenstrual bleeding and even lead to infertility. Too much estrogen (estrogen dominance) can also be harmful and lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, mood swings and the formation of cysts - estrogen dominance can also affect men.

Packaging of the Ferritin Test from Cerascreen

Ferritin Test

Iron deficiency can lead to constant fatigue and sleep problems. With our test, you measure ferritin, the storage iron in the blood.
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Packaging of the Ferritin Test from Cerascreen
Iron deficiency is most commonly caused by a low-iron diet. Women need more iron due to monthly menstruation. In men and postmenopausal women, iron deficiency may also be caused by internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
Packaging of the Gut Microbiome Test from Cerascreen

Gut Flora Test

If the intestinal flora is out of balance, the risk of digestive problems, sleep disorders and probably obesity increases.
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Packaging of the Gut Microbiome Test from Cerascreen

With the cerascreen® Gut Microbiome Test, a diagnostic sample-taking and send-in test that you can use at home, the composition of the bacteria in your intestine can be determined. In a laboratory, the DNA of the intestinal bacteria is analysed using state-of-the-art biotechnology. With the results report, you will gain comprehensive insights into your microbiome, also called gut flora: from the variety of bacterial species to the balance between good and bad bacteria as well as the breakdown of all strains and types of intestinal bacteria.

Packaging of the Heavy Metal Test from Cerascreen

Heavy Metal Test

Permanent exposure to heavy metals can lead to complaints such as constant headaches and premature hair loss.
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Packaging of the Heavy Metal Test from Cerascreen

With the cerascreen® Heavy Metal Test, you can determine the concentration of various heavy metals in your urine such as aluminium, arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, mercury and zinc. By doing this, you can check whether you are at risk of heavy metal poisoning – and you can also identify and avoid specific sources of pollutants in your everyday life.

Heavy metals can accumulate in the body over time and in the long term lead to damage in your organs, nervous system and blood formation, for instance. Drinking water from old pipes and contaminated food or household objects – for example – can cause heavy metal poisoning.

Packaging of the Mineral Test from Cerascreen

Mineral Test

An adequate supply of minerals such as magnesium can help prevent fatigue, sleep disorders and skin problems.
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Packaging of the Mineral Test from Cerascreen

Magnesium, selenium and zinc are minerals vital for your physical and mental fitness. A deficiency can have serious consequences – such as a weakened immune system. The cerascreen® Mineral Test helps you find out quickly and easily whether your body lacks these minerals.

The cerascreen® Mineral Test is a sample-taking mail-in kit that determines the levels of magnesium, zinc and selenium in your blood. Take the sample conveniently and easily at home! The sample of human capillary blood will then be analysed in vitro in one of our certified medical partner laboratories. Receive your mineral levels test results within seven to nine business days after your sample has arrived in the laboratory.

Packaging of the Testosterone Test from Cerascreen

Testosterone Test

Low testosterone levels can cause various symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, weight gain and sensitivity to pain.
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Packaging of the Testosterone Test from Cerascreen

Lethargy, fatigue, reduced muscle mass and reduced libido – these can be the unpleasant consequences of low testosterone levels. Testosterone is the main male sexual hormone which regulates muscle growth and physical fitness.

Do you want to know how high or low your levels of this important sex hormone are? With the cerascreen® Testosterone Test you can determine the testosterone levels in your saliva. This allows you to detect a testosterone deficiency or surplus and take targeted countermeasures through your diet and lifestyle.

Testosterone levels are highest in early adulthood and slowly decrease after the age of 30, which is due to a natural change of the blood levels. According to studies, testosterone decreases by one per cent every year. You should therefore keep an eye on your testosterone levels.

Packaging of the Vitamin D Test from Cerascreen

Vitamin D Test

Too little vitamin D can be related to constant fatigue, sleep disorders, and skin problems. You use the test to measure your vitamin D3 blood levels.
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Packaging of the Vitamin D Test from Cerascreen

Worldwide, an estimated one billion people have inadequate levels of vitamin D in their blood, and deficiencies can be found in all ethnicities and age groups’ (Harvard School of Public Health, 2012). It is important to know your vitamin D level and supplement according to your individual needs.

Strong bones and muscles, mental fitness, prevention of osteoporosis and better athletic performance are just a few of the benefits that are linked to healthy vitamin D levels in countless scientific studies. Young adults, elderly people and women all especially need to keep their vitamin D level in mind because they are at a higher risk.

Unfortunately, a vitamin D deficiency can not be ‘tasted’ or ‘felt’. Therefore, it is important to test for a vitamin d deficiency regularly.

With the cerascreen® Vitamin D Test, a diagnostic send-in test that you can use at home, you can determine your blood concentration of vitamin D and to monitor the level of 25-OH vitamin D in your blood. The Vitamin D Test includes a free return envelope and analysis in our diagnostics laboratory as well as a detailed results report.

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